
Click HERE to Make a Comment and Wage a Claim in Response to Our $1,000 Challenge (That’s for anyone, ESPECIALLY FELLOW CHRISTIANS who can find a single thing that we’ve gotten wrong about why most people living today, believers and non, are all headed straight to Hell.)


OK, firstly, did someone tell you to come here to see our movie “Level Them“? If so, we’ll get to that, but before doing so please do yourself a favor and take in the following brief synopsis of what’s going to happen. It’s the same thing that happens to us all upon “initial discovery” of important Truths and you want to brace yourself for that one! (As you’ll see, we’ve made sure there is now very good reason for this site being banned in every country on Earth!)

Indeed, and we can say from our own very personal experiences that here begins a journey completely unlike any other you’ve ever been on. And whether you’re an atheist, agnostic, christian, muslim, hindi, sikh, buddhist, jew or other, you will realize none of that matters. Today the only thing that matters is finding, accepting and embracing universal Truths.

With that in mind, the following is something to remember for the rest of your days;

Having learned and accepted important Truths is the only reason you don’t . . .

• grab live electrical wires
• ingest deadly poisons
• skip on cliff edges
• jump in front of moving cars, trucks and trains
• allow venomous spiders, snakes, etc. to bite you
• let others point loaded guns at you
• stick your head in a microwave
• etc.

You don’t allow those things to happen to you because someone taught you the Truth about them. Hence, we can literally say that knowing the Truth is often the only way we can live in safety or even remain alive. Now what if government, church and other leaders you trusted deceived you about all of those things as a child, and like all the other things they taught you, you really believed them. Would you be alive today? Think about it. Clearly the answer is no.

Inevitably you’d have gotten electrocuted, poisoned, squashed, ran over, bitten, shot or cooked to death. And therefore we can also say with literal meaning that being deceived about such important matters is a fatal condition. Hence we can clearly equate such deceptions to deadly poisons. Indeed, sometimes being deceived is as dire as being poisoned. And like all poisonings the only factors are . . .

1: the degree of toxicity

2: availability of an antidote, and . . .

3: ample time to acquire, ingest and digest the antidote.

Of course the only antidote to any deception is Truth. That’s it. There’s no other cure. The very, very good news is that you have now found the proverbial pharmacy of Truth, the doors are unlocked 24/7 and everything is 100% FREE. (Except the tees and decals at our other sites, those are sold at cost.)

However, as is often the case with many medications and treatments, certain facets of recovery may not always be the most fun experience for some while others will find it invigorating. Either way, as all reasonably intelligent people know, since it’s the only way to get better, we generally welcome it. That said, just getting diagnosed has its ups and downs, especially for those who come to realize they don’t have the 3rd requirement of adequate time.

Indeed, in this case, lack of time will be the greatest killer, by far. More over, poor use of it will prove to be tragic for many, likely billions. Therefore, in any prognosis, so long as we have AND WISELY USE that 3rd requirement of enough time to get better, eventually we’re happy and glad it’s over with, this of course is especially true in cases that would have resulted in death! This experience will be just like all that, we promise. (And yes that comparison is quite accurate. Also as you’ll see below, we actually back everything on this page with a $1,000 guarantee.)

For We The People, NOT being deceived is what life is really all about. While for “others” it’s all about deceiving us! Here’s some well known historical records about where it all began;

“With that lucifer swore: Because Thou (God) Has Sent me astray I will lie in wait for them on Thy Straight Path. Yea, I will come at them (with deceptions) from ahead of them, from behind them from their right and from their left. And Thou will not find gratefulness in them when I am done. God Said: Go thou forth as condemned and banished, and whoever follows thee I Will Fill Hell with you one and all.” QFC 7:16-18 

Revelation 12:9 “And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil, lucifer and satan, who deceiveth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his companions were thrown down with him.”


Here’s a statement from one of those very real luciferian companions; 

“We’ll know our disinformation (LYING) program is complete when EVERYTHING the Public believes is FALSE” (LIES)
William Casey, Director of the CIA (1981) In Response to President Reagans' Inquiry Of Caseys' Goals With The CIA.

And here’s another VERY REAL QUOTE about the same covert operation (called “operation mockingbird”) conducted against We the People by the same lying, degenerate cowards;

“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a real conspiracy so monstrous they cannot believe it exists. The civilian (ADAMITE) mind simply hasn’t come to realize the EVIL introduced into their midst. It (CORRECTLY) rejects even the idea that (HUMAN) creatures could espouse a PHILOSOPHY WHICH MUST ULTIMATELY DESTROY ALL THAT IS GOOD AND DECENT“
J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI
as quoted in Elks Magazine (August 1956)

While you’re still fresh we’ll begin with exposing what may be the largest lies ever told to We the People of the world. And just to make sure you know this is real, we’ll back it up with a $1,000 cash guarantee as stated below. If we’re wrong about anything we’re sharing here, that money will be instantly delivered to you via whatever method you’d prefer.

The work outlined below has been about 15 years in the making but the staggering reality of its far reaching importance was only recently realized. That realization came about due to a casual conversation with a friend who’s a chef. I was telling him about one of our favorite meals which turns out is baked bean burritos.

We love them because they’re very inexpensive (under $5 total for two people), simple (5 ingredients – a can of refries, 4 flour tortillas, some green chiles, lettuce and tomatoes), fast (about 5 minutes prep and 15 for baking), easy (one pan, a spoon and two forks is all the dishes), consistent (the same every time), refrigeration free (maybe a cold bag or cooler for the lettuce and maters if heat is a problem), super healthy (excellent protein, carbs and vitamins) and truly delectable, (we have them at least once per week, sometimes thrice!)

His response was that he couldn’t do it without some meat and “why not?” (since it’s obviously available to us all) The thing is, being someone who grew up on a ranch and was a hunter, his thinking wasn’t at all foreign to me. However, I now realize this page answers that “why not” question to the fullest in each and every possible manner without a single exception!

In fact, as you dear reader will see, it not only answers the “why not”, it goes on to irrefutably prove there’s not a single good reason “why to”! (With the only exception being if you’re starving to death and there is nothing else to eat.) Indeed, and I would never have dreamed that I myself would come to learn these facts, much less write about and live by them. Slow down to read everything, watch the documentaries and take in the obviousness of it all, you’ll be just as surprised as I was!

Please begin by taking a moment to read the following short story about a famous chimp named “Washoe” who learned sign language and then spoke to us with it.

Here is Washoes’ Story as reported by the famous American radio broadcaster Paul Harvey: (You will soon have heard the actual words of an animal for the first time in your life!)

Mr. Harvey said; Any hunter has heard animals cry before they die – yet, we go on hunting. If that wounded animal instead looked up at us and through bleeding lips said, “Please don’t kill me”, could we then kill so casually? Would it make all that much difference if the animal could talk? I’m asking – because now, they can. My new perspective on this matter came on recently and rather suddenly. I have always contributed what I can to animal rescue efforts. I am mostly inclined to saving family dogs and cats. In recent years I have racked my considerable arsenal of hunting guns. I just don’t feel like killing anymore. Yet I get a letter from Dave Corbin in Fayette, Iowa, which says: “Hey, Paul Harvey! You eat your steak, your trout, your pork chops, your pheasant under glass – because somebody else did your killing for you. How do you justify that?” I can’t justify it if I let myself think about it. Now something’s happened that demands that I think about it. When I relate my experience of having heard an animal “talk”, I am not referring to the mimicry of a parrot. Here’s what happened; My son Paul, researching a “Rest of the Story” piece for broadcast, became acquainted with a research project at the University of Oklahoma. There they have been teaching an animal to talk – specifically, a 15 year old female chimpanzee named Washoe. This is basic recognition communication, mostly single unit: big, small, up, down, etc.. Since 1966, this chimpanzee has learned 140 signs in Standard American Sign Language. After all this learning and more learning, the project directors decided that Washoe was prepared now to “conceptualize”. In lay language, instead of imitating some humans’ words, the chimp was ready to express thoughts of her own. Now, understand Washoe is a pampered animal in the University laboratory – well fed, physically comfortable, safe from harm. She had “security”. And yet – when she was able to put words together on her own, into a phrase – these were her first three. And she has said them again and again – repeatedly.

The previously voiceless soul from the cage is saying: “LET ME OUT”.


Note how the same friendly soul behind Washoes’ eyes is seen in all innocents, look into the eyes of your children and your pets, you’ll see it. Indeed, the only difference is one species can talk, the others can’t. We dedicate everything here to all of them, and in our case especially to who was without question one of the best friends we’ll ever have, his name was Bear;

If Bear could have talked it’s a good gamble that much of what we’d have heard would have been “I love you”, “feed me” and “let’s play!” And here’s another sent to us from a woman in Germany, it’s a pic of her beautiful 31 year old friend named Rubin. We’re guessing his spirited communications would have been much like Washoes’, Bears’, and all the other innocents we share the Earth with. As if each are ambassadors for the whole of the animal kingdom, they all seem to be of exactly the same wonderful spirit and possessors of souls not unlike those of the best among people!


This single page is a whale of Truth.

(It is Truth #3A of the 5 Most Important Truths on Earth)

If you like hearing it straight, you’re gonna love it! And like all our other sites, everything here is also backed by our $1,000 Challenge. If you can find a single thing that we’ve got wrong on this page, use the public comment section to tell us and we’ll give you A THOUSAND BUCKS!


We begin with a whale of a realization . . . There are about 8 billion people living on Earth today. Of those, about 4 out of 5 profess to be either Christian, Muslim, Hindi or Buddhist. That’s around 6 BILLION people who claim to be adherents to their scriptures, each of which contain very clear laws, instructions and warnings regarding the diets prescribed for them. Now get ready for the realization . . .

Until now, there was no word officially adopted in any language on Earth to describe said diet!





How can this be you ask? How could, over the course of the last 6 thousand or so years, upwards of TEN BILLION PEOPLE from every continent on Earth not have a word to describe the diet ordained for them by their God??? And yes, it’s exactly the same diet in all the religions which should be quite telling for any thinking person!

Now what if virtually all of those people were deceived by their mortal enemies, who by the way, are also described identically across all their scriptures!? And what if Deitarianism is at the very core of each of their faiths? Indeed, whether you’re a Christian, Muslim, Hindi or Buddhist, this will prove to be the “missing link” in your faith. Rejoice! For you have found one of the most valuable of long hidden Truths!


First we have the VERY EYE OPENING Biblical portion about;

“Thou Shalt Not Kill”


It is worthy of noting that overcoming this deception is the most rewarding thing that we ourselves have EVER experienced. (As of this writing.)


And don’t worry, we’re going to double, triple and quadruple check things with plenty of other well known verses from both the old testament (OT) and new testament (NT) of the Bible as well as Hinduisms’ Vedas and Islams’ Quran. There will be zero room for any doubt whatsoever that we’re on the Truth.

The thing is, could those 6 BILLION people from every major faith on Earth have gotten what is arguably the most obvious of both scriptural laws and basic human morality wrong? Could the entire world be radically deceived? What if we’re talking about the REAL original sin here???

OK, let’s begin unwrapping;

~ Thou Shalt Not Kill ~ (OT Exodus 20:13 & Deuteronomy 5:17, NT Multiple.) We’ll get to the NT Greek, first the OT Hebrew of “thou shalt not kill” is “lo tirtzack” or “lo ratsach” each defined as; “don’t kill, slay, take life or cause death to”. Now what if we’ve all been deceived and this law actually means not to murder any innocent beings, and not just humans? (Note that none of this applies to killing done in self defense or out of mercy for the terminally ill/injured.)



OTButter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the goodIsaiah 7:15 (Gods’ First Angel Gabriel just said Yeshua would be a vegetarian which requires choosing good over evil!)

OT “But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the royal rations of meat and wine…Let us have vegetables to eat and water to drinkDaniel 1:8

OT “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for foodGenesis 1:29 (Pretty straight forward eh?) 

OTBetter is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox with hatred within.” Proverbs 15:17

NTAnd he that doubteth is damned if he eat meat because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” Romans 14:23

NT “Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of something to eat. It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth.” Romans 14:20-21

NTIf ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword; for the mouth of YHWH has spoken.Isaiah 1:19-20

OT “Be not among winebibbers or gluttonous eaters of meat.” Proverbs 23:20

“And bear thou Glad Tidings to those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness. They have Gardens beneath which rivers flow and when provided with the fruit thereof they say: This is what was given to us as provision before for they are given thereby a likeness i.e fruits/veggies/grains and they have there purified friends and servants abiding therein Eternally.” QFC (Quran For Christians) 2:25

“And We said: O Adam dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden and eat thereof freely whatever you will. But do not approach this tree the tree of life, animals for then you will be among the wrongdoers.” QFC 2:35 (Note how there’s no confusing “2nd or different tree” like in the Genesis story which we know was translated and popularized by the same sect of scribes and pharisees who sought to kill Jesus.)

“And We caused the cloud to overshadow you and sent down upon you manna and quail saying: Eat of the Good things the manna that We have provided you. And then they wronged us not but they wronged their souls. by killing the quail  QFC 2:57

“O mankind eat of what is Lawful and Good in the Earth and do not follow the footsteps of the murderous degenerate inhuman imposters. Killers of innocent animals. Yea they are open enemies to you.” QFC 2:168

“And O you who believe eat of the Good Things We provided you foods that don’t require killing of innocent animals and be grateful to YHWH if it is Him you serve. He Has Only Made Unlawful to you murdered animals and blood and the flesh of swine even if starving because of trichinosis and that dedicated to other than God. by burning or blood sacrifices But whoever is forced due to necessity while facing starvation neither desiring nor transgressing, no crime is against them. God Is Forgiving, Merciful. Those who conceal What God Revealed in the Torah i.e. the truth about “do not kill” and sell the Book for a cheap price these eat into their bellies only of the Fire. And God will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection nor will He increase them in God Consciousness now, indeed they have a Painful Punishment ahead.” QFC 2:172-74

“All food was Lawful to the children of Israel except what Israel Jacob made unlawful upon himself before the Torah was sent down. So say: Bring the Torah and recite it if you be Truthful.” QFC 3:93 OK, let’s “bring the Torah” . . . Genesis 25:34, the ONLY verse about Jacobs’ diet says he ate lentil soup thereby being either vegetarian or vegan.

“O you who believe do not forbid Good Things that God has not made unlawful for you. Yea do not transgress the Real Law for God loves not the transgressors. And eat only of Good Things God Has Provided you, yea that which is Lawful.” QFC 5:87-88

“So eat only what is Good over which The Name of YHWH has been remembered if you believe in Him.” QFC 6:118

And We caused the cloud to overshadow them and sent down upon them manna and quail saying: Eat of the Good that We provide you. Then in so eating badly by killing quail they wronged Us not, but they wronged their own souls. QFC 7:160

“Say: Have you considered what God Has Sent Down for you of foods and you changed thereof what is Lawful and unlawful? Say: Did God Give you His Permission or is it lies you invent about God?” QFC 10:59

“So eat of the Provision Of God, that which is Lawful and Good and be grateful for the Grace Of YHWH if It Is Him you serve. He Has Only Made unlawful to you murdered animals and blood and swine and that hallowed to other than God. But whoever is forced to kill when facing starvation while neither desiring nor transgressing, God Is Forgiving, Merciful.” QFC 16:114-15

“Saying: Eat of the Good things We have provided you and do not transgress therein lest My Wrath Descend Upon you for those whom My Wrath Descends Upon have fallen.” QFC 20:81

“Then they called their companion who took over and brutally slaughtered the thirsty she camel. We sent upon them one blast and they became like dry stalks of the fence maker.” QFC 54:29

“He It Is Who Made the Earth for you so walk in His Paths and eat Of His Provisions thereof then to Him is the Resurrection.” QFC 67:15

“So let all look at their food and how We pour water in floods as it often creates fresh tilled Earth sediment from floods and We cause grain to grow therein. And grapes and herbage and olives and date palms. Yea fertile Gardens dense with foliage of fruits and grass that benefit you and your livestock.” QFC 80:24-32

“And the Messenger Of God said to them: Care for this pregnant She Camel Of God, allow her to drink. Yea then they rejected him and brutally slaughtered her. So their Lord Leveled them with destruction and He does not fear consequences for All Consequences are His Alone.”  QFC 91:13-15

“Of all the gifts only one is supreme, it is the freedom from fear for all of the creatures of this universe. There is no other gift greater than this.” Hindi Padma Purana

“Ahimsa (non-violence) is the highest wisdom. Ahimsa is the best meditation. Ahimsa is the greatest gift. Ahimsa is the highest self-control. Ahimsa is the highest sacrifice. Ahimsa is the highest power. Ahimsa is the highest friend. Ahimsa is the highest truth. Ahimsa is the highest teaching.” Hindi Mahabharata 18.116

“One who sees that the Lord of all is ever the same in all that is immortal in the field of mortality, that one sees the truth. And when one sees that the God in himself, is the same God in all that is, they hurt not themselves by hurting others. Then that one goes, indeed, to the highest path.” Hindi Bhagavad Gita 13.27-28

“Surely, the human mind gets polluted when it is lust-ridden and when it is set on meat eating, drinking and playing dice”. Hindi Atharva Veda 6.70.1

“One who desires to sustain their own flesh by eating the flesh of other creatures truly lives in misery.” Hindi Mahabharat, Anu 115.47

“By subsisting on pure fruits and roots, yea by eating food fit for ascetics in the forest, I do not gain so great a reward as by entirely avoiding the acquaintance with flesh.” Hindi Manu-samhita 5.54

“Avoiding harm to all creatures… this is true knowledge. All else is ignorance.” Hindi Bhagavad Gita 13.8-12

“One who does not cause the suffering of bonds or premature death to living creatures, but desires the good for all living beings, obtains endless bliss. Yea, one who does not injure any soul attains without effort what they seek, succeeds in what they undertake, and finds peace in what they fix their mind on.” Hindi Manu-samhita 5.46-47

“By the restraining of the senses, by the destruction of lust and hatred, and by not injuring other living beings, one becomes fit for immortality.” Hindi Manu-samhita 6.60

“Having well considered the disgusting origin of meat and the cruelty of fettering and slaying innocent beings, let one entirely abstain from eating flesh.” Hindi Manusmriti 5.49

“The first precept of the true Buddhist is this; I undertake to refrain from harming and killing.” Buddha

“The eating of meat extinguishes the seed of the best of compassion.” Buddhist Mahaparinirvana Sutra


Yep, it sure is. But as with many other things, that doesn’t mean God said it’s ok!!! Those are just examples of deceived losers who are going to Hell! Let’s see what ACTUAL DIRECTIONS God spelled out for us about sacrfices;

Again; OT “You will not kill.” Deuteronomy 5:17

NT “It is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins.” Hebrews 10:4

NT “The priests stand daily, ministering and offering the same sacrifices often times, which can never take away sins.” Hebrews 10:11

OT “I hate and have rejected your feasts and I will not receive the odours of your assemblies.” Amos 5:21

OT “The Most High is not pleased with the offerings of the wicked, neither is He pacified of sin by the multitude of sacrifices.” Sirach 34:19

NT “He has made it clear to us by all the prophets that He wants neither sacrifices or whole burnt offerings or oblations.” Barnabas 2:4

NT “You have had no pleasure in burnt offerings for sin.” Hebrews 10:6

OT “You do not desire sacrifice; else I would give it, You do not delight in burnt offering.” Psalms 51:16

OT “To do justice and judgement is acceptable to the Lord, not sacrifice.” Proverbs 21:3

OT “For I (God) desired mercy and not sacrifice, and knowledge of Me more than burnt offerings.  But they have transgressed the covenant, they have dealt treacherously against Me there.” Hosea 6:6-7

OT “Your burnt offerings are not acceptable, your sacrifices are not sweet to Me.” Jeremiah 6:20

OT “You (God) did not desire sacrifice and offering; You have opened my (Davids’) ears, You have not required burnt offering and sin offering.” Psalms 40:6

NT “And to love God with all thy heart, and with all thy understanding, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and to love others as thyself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” Mark 12:33

OT “He that sacrificeth an ox is as if he slew a man. He that killeth a sheep in sacrifice is as if he should brain a dog. He that offereth an oblation is as if he should offer the blood of swine. He that remembereth incense is as if he should bless an idol. All these things have they chosen in their ways, and their soul is delighted in their abominations . . . they have done evil in My Eyes, and have chosen the things that displease Me.Isaiah 66:3-5

OT “With what will I come before the Lord and bow myself before the High God?  Will I come before Him with burnt offerings with calves of a year old?  Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil?  Will I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?  He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:6 – 8

OT “For I did not speak to your fathers, nor command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices.  But I commanded them this; Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you will be My people, and walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, so that it may be well to you. But they did not listen, nor incline their ear, they walked in the counsels and imagination of their evil hearts, and went backward, and not forward.” Jeremiah 7:22-24  

OT “Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom, give ear to the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrha. To what purpose do you offer me the multitude of your victims, saith the Lord? I am full, I desire not burning of rams, and fat of fatlings, and blood of calves, and lambs, and buck goats. When you came to appear before me, who required these things at your hands, that you should walk in my courts? Offer sacrifice no more in vain: incense is an abomination to me. The new moons, and the sabbaths, and other festivals I will not abide, your assemblies are wicked.  My soul hateth your new moons, and your solemnities: they are become troublesome to me, I am weary of bearing them. And when you stretch forth your hands, I will turn away my eyes from you: and when you multiply prayer, I will not hear: for your hands are full of blood. Isaiah 1:10-15

NT “Again He says to them; Did I command your fathers when they went forth from the land of Egypt to bring Me whole burnt offerings and sacrifices?  No, this was My command to them; Let none of you bear a grudge of evil against his neighbor in his heart, and do not love a false oath.” Barnabas 2:7-8

NT “And thus, I say that the things which the nations sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils (i.e lucifer) and not to God, and I am not willing that you should have fellowship with devils.” 1 Corinthians 10:20

OT “Will I (God) eat the flesh of bulls  or drink the blood of goats?” Psalms 50:13

OT “Oh that men would praise the Lord for His Goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare His works with rejoicing.” Psalms 107:21-22

OT “I (David) will freely sacrifice of myself to You, I will praise Your name, O YHWH; for it is Good.” Psalms 54:6

OT “I (David) will offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving to You, and will call upon The Name of The Lord.” Psalms 116:17

“And recite thou to them the report of the sons of Adam Cain and Able in Truth when they offered their offerings to Me but only one Was Accepted By Me. Ables’ grain offering. Then the disgraced one said to the other: I will kill thee and he replied: God Accepts from those of Wise Fear.” QFC 5:27

“O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, divining arrows, and sacrificial altars are only abominations from the work of satan, so avoid them so that you may be successful.” QFC 5:90

“And thus do jinn make seem fair to the talmudists the sacrifices of innocents that they might bring them to ruin and obfuscate the doctrine for them. But had God Willed they would not do it so leave them with what they commit.” QFC 6:137

“Say: I do not find anything in what I am instructed unlawful to eat it unless it be murdered animals or blood poured forth or the flesh of swine or that which is abomination or wanton disobedience dedicated to other than God. However whoever desires not killing but is forced by extreme hunger thy Lord Is Forgiving, Merciful.” QFC 6:142-45

“Say: My Prayers and my sacrifices of self and my living and my dying are for God, The Lord of the Worlds.” QFC 6:162

“And O Adam thou and thy wife dwell in the Garden and eat in what manner you desire but approach not this tree the tree of life, animals for you would be among the wrongdoers. But a degenerate inhuman imposter came whispering lies to them and made them aware of their souls saying: Your Lord only forbade you taking of life so that you would not see that which you could become eternals like the angels. And he swore to them: I am a sincere counselor to you. And he led them by deception then when they ate of the tree of life sacrificed/murdered an animal their spiritual makeup was made known to them so they gathered leaves to hide their shame. to make it look as if they’d been eating veggies And their Lord Called to them: Did I not Forbid you the tree of LIFE?” QFC 7:19-24

“That wretched one who, following the path of religious rites and sacrifices, would kill a living creature from a desire to eats its flesh, will certainly go to hell. But that one who having eaten flesh abstains from it afterwards acquires great merit on account of such abstention from sin.” Hindi Mahabharata 115.45-46

“If one offers Me (God) with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.” Hindi Bhagavad Gita 9.26

“The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat foods like those offered first for sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin.” Hindi Bhagavad Gita 3.13

“O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me. In this way you will be freed from all reactions (punishment) to evil deeds, and by this principle of renunciation you will be liberated and come to Me.” Hindi Bhagavad Gita 9.27


OT “Six days thou shalt work: the seventh day thou shalt cease, that thy ox and thy ass may rest.” Exodus 23:12

OT “Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your judgments are like the great deep; you save humans and animals alike, O Lord.” Psalms 36:6

NT “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in Gods’ sight.” Luke 12:6

OT “For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains, and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psalms 50:10-11

OT “If thou see the ass of thine enemy lie down underneath its burden, thou shalt not pass by, but shalt lift it up with him.” In concern for the animal. Exodus 23:5 5

OT “Thou shalt not unnecessarily muzzle the ox that treadeth out thy corn on the floor.” Deuteronomy 25:4

OT “Thou shalt not plough unequally with an ox and an ass harnessed together.” Deuteronomy 22:10

OT “And when he had drunk, she said: I will draw water for thy camels also, till they all drink. And pouring out the pitcher into the troughs, Rebecca who became seriously blessed by God ran back to the well to draw water: and having drawn she gave to all the camels.” Genesis 19-20

OT “God who giveth food to all flesh for His Mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm 135:25

OT “For the mountains I (God) will take up weeping and lamentation, and for the beautiful places of the desert, mourning: because they are burnt up, for that there is not a man that passeth through them: and they have not heard the voice of the owners, from the fowl of the air to the beasts who are gone away and departed. So I will make Jerusalem to be heaps of sand and dens of dragons. And I will make the cities of Judea desolate for want of an inhabitant. Jeremiah 9:10-11

OT “The violence you have done in Lebanon will overwhelm you and your persecutions of animals will terrify you. For you have shed blood, you have destroyed lands and cities and all that lived in them.” Habakkuk 2:17

NT “The jews’ (from “Ioudaios” meaning “Judeans”) passover was at hand, and Yeshua (who indeed was a Judahite and yes a Judean at times but NEVER a fake “jew” as we know them today) went up to Jerusalem and found in the temple those (talmudists) that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold doves; Take these things hence, make not my Father’s house a house of (illegal) trade.” John 2:13-16

“And there is no creature on the Earth nor bird flying on its wings that differ in communities than the like of yours. Yea We have not neglected anything written herein and to their Lord all will be gathered.” QFC 6:38

Has thou considered that everyone in the Heavens and the Earth gives Glory to God? Even the birds flying in formation. Each He Knows its Prayer and its glorification, for God Knows Everything they all do.” QFC 24:41

And the Earth He Appointed for all living creatures.” QFC 55:10

“And thou sees many of them as if competing with one another in falsehood and deep seated dislike while oppressing and killing to consume the forbidden. animals Lo. Pure evil is what they do. Oh that the rabbis and the religious scholars had only forbidden their speaking of falsehoods and their wanton cruelty to the innocent. animals and people Lo. Pure evil is what they wrought for themselves!” QFC 5:62-63

“I (God) look upon all creatures equally; none are less dear to me and none more dear. But those who worship me with love, live in me, and I come to life in them.” Hindi Bhagavad Gita 9.29

“Oh God, may all living beings look upon me as their friend, and may I too treat them as my own friends. Please God, do arrange things in such a way that all living beings behave with one another as true friends”. Hindi Yajurveda 26.18

“Let your aims be common and your hearts be of one accord, and all of you be of one mind, so you may live well together.” Hindi Rig Veda Samhita 10.191

“The concept of harmlessness towards all has been created by Me alone.” Hindi Bhagavad Gita 9.11

“Those noble souls who practice meditation, who are ever careful about all life, who protect all animals, are the ones who are actually serious about their faith.” Hindi Atharva Veda Samhita 19.48.5


Again . . . OT “He that sacrificeth an ox is as if he slew a man.” Isaiah 66:3-5

OT “For they the satanic jews of Rev 2:9 & 3:9 shed innocent blood of animals, even the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood. Thus they were defiled with their own works, and went whoring with their own inventions.” Psalms 106:38-39

OT “Thus you will not do so to the Lord your God, for every abomination to the Lord, which He hates, they the satanic jews have done for their gods; for they have even burnt their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods.” Deuteronomy 12:31-32

OT “For they the satanic jews have built the high places of Tophet in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I did not command, neither did it come into My Heart.” (Because it was Moses who himself made up many of the additional laws found in Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers. He did so in retaliation after they repeatedly refused to follow the 10 Commandments that God Gave him.) Jeremiah 7:31

OT “And they the satanic jews have also built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire in burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command, nor spoke it, neither did it come into My Mind.” (Ditto, it was the work of Moses.) Jeremiah 19:5

“One who kills a cow or a man should be awarded with capital punishment for murder.” Hindi Rigveda 8.56.17

“Those demonic people who relish meat, be it of man or animals, oh God, may beheading be their end.” Hindi Rigveda 10.87.16

‘”You must not use your God-given body for killing God’s Innocent Creatures, whether they are human or animal.” Hindi Yajur Veda 12.32.90


OT “Therefore the death of man and of beasts is one, and the condition of them both is equal, as one dieth, so also does the other. All breathe alike and man is not above beast for that be in vanity. And all go unto one place and each are made of dust and turn to dust again. Yea, for who could testify that the souls of men go up but the souls of beasts go down?” Ecclesiastes 3:19-21

OT “And God remembered Noah and ALL THE LIVING SOULS who were with him in the ark.” Genesis 8:1

OT “And God said; This is the sign of the covenant which I will give between me and you, and to EVERY LIVING SOUL that is with you, for perpetual generations.” Genesis 9:12

OT “I will make for you a covenant on that day with the wild animals, the birds of the air, and the creeping things of the ground; and I will abolish the bow, the sword, and war from the land; and I will make you lie down in safety.” Hosea 2:18

OT “How long will the land mourn, and the grass of every field wither? For the wickedness of those who live in it, the animals and the birds are swept away.” Jeremiah 12:4

OT “A righteous man regardeth the LIFE of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruelThey think feeding/watering them is merciful while leaving them imprisoned in cages or fenced in filthy, barren pens as if criminal prisoners instead of docile animals with kind and innocent souls. Proverbs 12:10

NT “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.” Matthew 5:7

“And there is no animal on the Earth nor bird flying on its wings that differs in belonging as you do. Yea and We have not neglected anything written herein and to their Lord all souls will be gathered.” QFC 6:38

“And do not kill the soul animal that God Has Made unlawful except when legally necessary or out of pity. All that He Has Commanded you that you might use reason.” QFC 6:151


“One who aids or allows the slaughter of an animal, or the one who kills it, or the one who cuts it up, or the one who buys its flesh, or the one who sells it, or the one who cooks it, or the one who serves it up, and the one who eats it, must all be considered as murderers of the animal. There is no greater sinner than one who, though not worshiping false gods, seeks sustenance of their own flesh by harming that of another.” Hindi Manu-samhita 5.51-52

“Any who partake of human flesh, the flesh of a horse or of another animal, or deprives others of milk by slaughtering cows, O King, if such a fiend does not desist by other means, then you should not hesitate to cut off his head.” Hindi Rig Veda Samhita, 10.87.16

“The purchaser of flesh performs violence by their wealth; the one who eats flesh does violence by savoring its taste; and the purveyor does violence by overseeing the oppression, tying of and murdering of the animal. Thus, they are all forms of murder.” Hindi Mahabharata, Anu 115.40

So one who brings flesh or sends for it alike, one who butchers it and one who purchases, sells, cooks or eats it, all these are to be considered lawless abusers of the innocent.” Hindi Mahabharata, Anu 115.40

“That wretched one who kills living creatures for the sake of those who would eat them commits great sin. The eater’s sin is not as great.” Hindi Mahabharata 115.44

“One who arranges for obtaining flesh, one who approves of those arrangements, one who kills, one who buys or sells, one who cooks, and one who eats it are all considered as the eaters. Therefore one who wishes to avoid disaster should abstain from the meat of every living creature.” Hindi Mahabharata 115.47-48


“May one who hungers make their prey from oils and flour, let them never seek to destroy an animal without a lawful reason. For as many hairs as a slain beast has, so often indeed will one who killed it without lawful reason suffer violent deaths in their eternal future.” Hindi Manu-samhita 5.37-38

“For it will be as if they devour me in the next world, whose flesh I eat in this life.” Hindi Manu-samhita 5.55

“Those who are ignorant of real dharm and though wicked and haughty, account themselves virtuous, kill animals without any feeling of remorse or fear of punishment. Further, in their next lives, such sinful persons will be as if eaten by the same creatures they have killed in this world.” Hindi Bhagavat Puraan 11.5.14

“One who persecutes innocent creatures to obtain their fleeting pleasures, will not find real inner peace in this life nor happiness whatsoever in the next.” Hindi Manu-samhita 5.45

“Cow killers are condemned to rot in hellish life for as many thousands of years as there are hairs on the body of the cow.” Hindi Adi-lila 17.166

“Surely, one who kills a cow or a bull commits the MOST HEINOUS crime.” Hindi Mahabharata, Shantiparva 262.47




NT And behold one came and said to him: Good master, what good thing shall I do that I may have life everlasting? Who said to him: . . . if thou desires to enter heaven, keep the commandments. Then he asked; Which? And Jesus replied: Thou shalt not kill . . . Mat 19:17-18


QFC 5:3  Forbidden to you are murdered animals

and blood

and the flesh of swine

and that dedicated to other than God

and the strangled

and the beaten

and the fallen

and the gored

and that eaten by the beast of prey except remains of what you slaughtered Lawfully.

And that killed upon an altar

and that sought with divining arrows

for all of those are of grave disobedience.

This day those who disbelieve will have

gave up hope because of your way of life they’ll realize how evil they are

so do not fear them only fear Me.

Yea this day I Have Perfected your doctrine for you.

I Have Completed My Favor upon you by sanctioning peace with all living souls as your religion.

And let it comfort you that whoever is forced by hunger without inclination to kill in sin

God Is Forgiving, Merciful to them.



With those fresh in mind, let’s conclude with the epic “original sin” verses from Genesis which should now be overly obvious, were intentionally mistranslated and used to deceive billions of christians the world over;

Genesis 2:9 “And out of the ground YHWH caused to grow every kind of desirable stalk that is good for food and also the tree of LIFE was in the garden, the tree for discernment between good and evil.” (Now recall the opening verse about Yeshua; “Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good.” Isaiah 7:15)

Genesis 3:1-3 “Now the serpent was more subtle than any other creature YHWH had made. He asked the woman; Did God say not to eat any (particular) tree of the garden? And the woman said to the serpent; We may eat of the fruit of (all) the trees in the garden but God said; You shall not eat of the tree in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it LEST YOU SHALL DIE.”

The most common other uses for that word “touch” or “naga” in Hebrew are; “to lay the hand upon, to reach violently, to strike, beat, bring down, draw near, plague or smite.”

Now ask yourself; Do those meanings make perfect sense when directed at living beings and also does it align with the previous 121 very clear verses from God Who NEVER contradicts Himself? And lastly, if there were two trees in Genesis like all the bogus translations suggest, (i.e. Gen 2:9 “. . . the tree of LIFE also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”) which would it be speaking of? (But there is no “and” in the original Hebrew, it’s speaking of the same tree. The tree of LIFE is the tree of knowledge between good and evil.)

Can you smite or eat a tree of discernment? Instead, how about smiting a living/breathing thing, hence naming it the tree of LIFE which are everywhere or “amidst” the garden? Which one makes sense? Get it?! And note how we see God comparing other living things like us to trees as in “the root of Jesse” or “a branch of David” which we know Yeshua was part of. That’s the “Davidic line of kings” which the last messenger will be the end of.


FYI; All the other food/animal related verses in the scriptures are stories about evildoing scumbags and those deceived by them who are all headed straight to Hell!

Here is a quick vid of the famous Swami Prabhupada responding to a heckler in his audience;

Download Prabhupada (5 Minute, 13 MB .mpeg video)

AND ALL CHRISTIANS (like we ourselves) MUST READ THIS!  Some will strain in futility pointing to several verses in the New Testament that appear to say we Adamites were eating “meat” back then, however; The only nineteen uses of the word “meat” in the NT Gospels were intentionally mistranslated by satanic talmudists in respective order as follows: Greek word, # of references and “actual meaning” none of which are “meat”; Broma 4xFood“, Brosis 4x “The act of eating”, Phago 3x “to eat”, Brosimos 1x “That which is eaten”, Trophe 6x “Nourishment”, Prosphagon 1x “Anything to eat” but NOT actual “meat! (This means each use of the word “meat” in the NT read by about THREE BILLION Christians around the world is a satanic lie made to popularize and justify abusing, killing and eating innocent animals like the fake, satanic jews did/do!)

There is much of this type of satanic forgery in the Bible. Jesus and his disciples didn’t eat meat and one need look no further than above and then into your own heart to know this is the glorious TRUTH from our 100% benevolent, caring and nurturing God, YHWH! (But don’t forget, He is quite JUST too!) 

To deny all the above, satanic jews use a few verses about what animals God told them to eat or not to eat.  This is true because it’s one way that God has condemned them! (He allowed Moses to give them bogus laws [i.e. the 613 commandments of the jews] to literally drive them nuts and make them into killers of their own children. Moses did this because he was pissed at them for refusing to follow the original 10 commandments!) Recall how he broke the tablets after learning they were worshiping the golden calf while he was on the mount? That’s where his hatred for them began and YHWH allowed it but lightly punished him by not allowing him to enter the promised land. Hence;

Ezekiel 20:25-26 “Moreover I gave them statutes that were not good and ordinances by which they could not have life; and they became defiled through their very gifts when they offered by fire all their first-born, thus that they shall become horrified; I did it that they might know that I am the LORD.”

Here are some examples of those ordinances/laws from their occult/secret book, the Babylonian Talmud;

Gittin 69a;  “To heal his flesh a jew should take dust that lies within the shadow of a privy (outdoor toilet) mix with honey and eat it”

Gittin 70a; “The Rabbis taught: On coming from a privy a man should not have sexual intercourse till he has waited long enough to walk half a mile, because the demon of the privy is with him for that time; if he does, his children will be epileptic.”

Gittin 69b; “To heal the disease of pleurisy (a lung disease) a jew should take the excrement of a white dog and knead it with balsam, but if he can possibly avoid it he should not eat the dog’s excrement as it loosens the limbs.”

Hence, the satanic, luciferian group of jews we’re speaking of are complete nutters who are nothing like We the Adamite People of God.  They hate us for not being cursed with having to obey all the insane laws God allowed Moses to give them for being and practicing evil!

Now some Christians will also bring up the verses about Yeshua eating fish which is true but carries no weight because God tells us in both the Bible and the Quran that FISH ARE OK FOR US TO EAT;

“Yea Lawful for you are gilled fish and what washes up from the waters (i.e. seaweeds) as a provision for you and for those who travel. But generally forbidden you are animals of the land so be in Wise Fear of God to whom you will be gathered.” QFC 5:96 

“And He It Is Who Made the seas subservient that you might eat succulent fish therefrom.” QFC 16:14

“And YHWH said to Moses and Aaron; Say to the people of Israel; . . . These you may eat, of all that are in the waters. Everything in the waters that has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers, you may eat. But anything in the seas or the rivers that has not fins and scales, of the swarming creatures i.e. shrimp/brine/plankton in the waters and of the living creatures that are in the waters, is an abomination to you. They shall remain an abomination to you; of their flesh you shall not eat, and their dead carcasses you shall have in abomination. Everything in the waters that has not fins and scales is an abomination to you.” Leviticus 11

“Of all that are in the waters you may eat these: Whatever has fins and scales you may eat. And whatever does not have fins and scales you shall not eat; it is unclean for you.” Deuteronomy 14

The full texts from each of those Bible chapters describing what other living creatures we were allowed to eat are HERE. Let’s see a bit more on what the Quran has to say;

“O you who believe fulfill your agreements. Made Lawful for you was stewardship over flocks of animals and it is now recited to you: Hunting is not permitted to pilgrims in their lands and God Ordains What He Wishes. O you who believe profane not the Waymarks Of God nor the sacred month of Ramadan nor the sacrifices of selflessness nor the visitor bound to the Kaaba seeking the Favor and Pleasure Of their Lord. But when you are on a journey facing starvation then you may hunt . . . Forbidden to you are murdered animals and blood and the flesh of swine and that dedicated to other than God and the strangled and the beaten and the fallen and the gored and that eaten by the beast of prey except remains of what you slaughtered Lawfully. out of pity at the end of their lives And that killed upon an altar and that sought with divining arrows for all of those are of wanton disobedience . . . And let it comfort you that whoever is forced by hunger without inclination to kill in sin God Is Forgiving, Merciful to them. They ask thee what is made Lawful for them say: Made Lawful for you are Good things. And what you taught of dogs and swine to find as trainers teaching them of what God Taught you, eat of what they find for you i.e. tubers, roots, bulbs, fungi etc. and remember the Name Of God over it . . . This day are Good things made Lawful for you like the food of the people of the Torah the 1st 5 books of the Bible is Lawful for you and your food is Lawful for them.” QFC 5:1-5

“O you who believe God Will Try you with something of the game that reaches your hands and your spears so that God Might Know who fears the unseen. Then whoever transgresses after that for them is a Painful Punishment. Many hunt/kill for awhile but then stop due to feeling guilty, this is a natural compulsion for the Godly. O you who believe kill no animals intentionally when unlawful and whoever of you kills unlawfully the payment in this life is like the cause of the death of the innocent ones killed injury by arrow, knife, sword, stone, trap etc. Let two just men from among you judge the level of sin. And beyond penalty is required atonement of feeding poor persons or the equivalent of that in fasting that they might taste the consequences of their deed. But God Pardons what is past if you choose to repent then whoever goes back God Will Take Vengeance upon them and God Is Mighty, Able To Repay. Yea Lawful for you are gilled fish and what washes up from the waters i.e. seaweeds as a provision for you and for those who travel. But generally forbidden you are animals of the land so be in Wise Fear of God to whom you will be gathered.” QFC 5:94-96

Almost all big deceptions regarding Gods’ Laws begin in the corrupt churches, mosques and temples. But as we already covered there is definitely no shortage of intentional mistranslations from hidden hands as well. And for that we have to remember God warned us the satanic scribes would corrupt his words; “How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the law of YHWH is with us’? Behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie” Jeremiah 8:8

That’s a prophesy directly from God and it’s proof that the jew-ish (not real Judahites or Judeans) scribes who tran-scribed the Bible LIED about the Laws that YOU depend upon for surviving judgement!!! GOD TOLD US THEY WOULD DO THIS RIGHT THERE IN JEREMIAH!

Here’s all 10 of the commandments with their originally intended meanings;

“But who can detect their errors?  Clear me from hidden faults.” Psalm 19:12

(YHWH gave us these beautifully simple and easy to follow laws for the benefit of mankind and all of creation.  There will be none who exist in the world to come that don’t follow these basic laws!)

1.  Serve, honor and obey YHWH Alone, treat no others as gods.

(Not doing this results in a lack of respect for Gods laws which lessens our morality and causes We the People to become weak and prone to being oppressed by evil leaders.  It’s not about YHWH being egotistical, it’s for our own good.)

2.  No idolatry – No object or image can represent YHWH.  Such are only used for evil. (witchcraft, sorcery, magic, necromancy, divination etc.)

(YHWH has nothing to do with Christianities’ cross, Islams’ moon, Hinduisms’ many statues or any other object/image.  Worship The Creator and be in awe of His creations but DO NOT WORSHIP THEM!)

3.  His name is YHWH, use it often and reverently for not doing so is taking His Name in vain.

(5410 uses of YHWHs’ name were removed from the Old Testament by pharisees/scribes who have always been mortal enemies to We the People.  There is much power in using your Creators’ name which is why they don’t want us knowing or using it.  No different than your friends and loved ones calling upon you by your ACTUAL NAME, this is the most elemental manner of showing respect to our only true Father, YHWH!)

4. Devote yourselves to God and Godly things on the day of rest.

(The Saturday Sabbath is a day of rest meant to rejuvenate man and beast after 6 days of toil. However, doing good, Godly works is definitely allowed for people. And it’s a given that additional prayers should be performed with more thanksgiving.)

5.  Honor your kin and brethren by being a blessing to all.

(Our earthly parents aren’t the only ones we should strive to make proud of us.  We owe the same to the whole of each other for the simple reason that good begets good.  Giving ample reasons for being proud of our race should be the goal for every human being.)

6.  Do not cause unnecessary harm, torment or death to any living soul, esteem all of Gods creation.

(It is not possible to have high moral character or call oneself “intelligent” while not valuing the lives of innocent, feeling creatures, caring for people in distant lands or respecting the earth which amazes, comforts and sustains us.  Our lack of morals results in We the People allowing innocent animals to be tortured and killed for food, murder of non-combatant men, women and childrend in unnecessary wars and widespread destruction of creation which evil people rely upon to be rich and powerful.  This is what “Thou shalt  not kill” is really all about.)

7.  Do not commit adultery with body, heart or mind.

(Adultery shows a dire lack of respect for oneself and everyone else, it plants seeds of distrust which is elemental in undoing the bonds we rely upon for coexisting in peace, love and harmony as a race.)

8.  Do not steal, cheat or lie if it harms your brethren.


9.  Do not bear false testimony against or falsely accuse your brethren.

(Ditto again)

10.  Do not envy others, wish all the best and always give thanks for what you have.

(Envy only shows and furthers ones’ lack of ability to succeed, feel blessed and experience inner peace.  This is why satanic oppressors of We the People popularize materialism, one of the 3 foundations of their modus.  The other 2 are imposition and destruction. Resisting each in every form is our shared duty and has great rewards.)

 Deuteronomy 6:6  And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.  And you shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.  And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Next we have the REAL, long hidden story of Yeshua in the Gospel of the Holy 12 (his earliest recorded words, also known as The Gospel of the Nazarenes) Ye shall not take away the life of any soul for your pleasure, nor for your profit, nor torment it…Ye shall not eat the flesh, nor drink the blood of any slaughtered creature, nor yet anything which brings disorder to your health or senses Responsible, discerning researchers will discover those were actually commandments for the law which we were told he would come to deliver/confirm from God himself. (see Jer 31:31-34 & Mat 5:17)

Here are some more of the prophets’ words from the Gospel of the Holy 12God giveth the grains and the fruits of the earth for food: and for righteous men truly there is no other lawful sustenance for the body”…”Woe unto the crafty who hurt the creatures of God, Woe unto the hunters for they shall become the hunted”…”And the flesh of slain beasts in his body will become his tomb. For I tell you truly, he who kills, kills himself, and whoso eats flesh, eats the body of death”…”Thou shalt not kill living things (meaning things with souls excluding things like insects, fish etc.) for life is given by God, and that which God has given, let not man take away”. THIS IS LIFE 101 FOR ALL RESPONSIBLE, CARING, DISCERNING INDIVIDUALS!

Don’t wait till the end to accept this very obvious truth because that’s when you’ll realize just how easy Gods’ laws were to keep and that the reason behind them was to insure YOUR health, happiness and eternal freedom! (If We the People followed them, we’d be healthier, happier and have higher morals, hence, we wouldn’t have put up with wars, pollution and LIES which our corrupt satanic leaders required to become rich and powerful!) And FYI; these instructions were for people of ALL ages, races and faiths which is why they are also found in Hinduisms’ Vedas and Islams’ Quran.


Ask yourself why millions of leaders of churches, mosques and temples are obviously LYING about one of Gods’ most important laws which we’ve all been warned will cost us our eternal lives if we break it!? Yea, why are you hearing all this from us instead of well paid, professional, scriptural scholars, preachers and swamis in those churches, mosques and temples??? Good questions huh? Of course the answer is simple, they’re all either deceived or evil as hell! Now to cinch the knot . . .

FYI; The Vedas, Bible and Quran aren’t the only places we’re supposed to seek Gods’ Truths, we have science, common sense and the ability to reason too! So, if we were made in Gods’ Image as all Christians, Muslims and Hindus claim to believe, who could possibly explain away the following scientific FACTS???


God created humans biologically herbivorous

Facial musclesReduced to allow
wide mouth gape
Jaw TypeAngle not expandedAngle not expandedExpanded angleExpanded angle
Jaw joint
On same plane as
molar teeth
On same plane as
molar teeth
Above the plane of the
Above the plane of the
Jaw motionShearing; minimal
side-to-side motion
Shearing; minimal
side-to-side motion
No shear; good
side-to-side, front-
No shear; good
side-to-side, front-
Major jaw
TemporalisTemporalisMasseter and
Masseter and
Mouth opening
vs. head size
Teeth: IncisorsShort and pointedShort and pointedBroad, flattened and
Broad, flattened and
Teeth: CaninesLong, sharp and
Long, sharp and
dull and short or long
(for defense), or none
Short and blunted
Teeth: MolarsSharp, jagged and
Sharp blades and/or
Flattened with cusps
vs. complex surface
Flattened with nodular
ChewingNone; swallows
food whole
Swallows food whole
and/or simple
Extensive chewing
Extensive chewing
SalivaNo digestive enzymesNo digestive enzymesCarbohydrate digesting
Carbohydrate digesting
Stomach typeSimpleSimpleSimple or multiple
Stomach acidity
with food in
< pH1< pH1pH 4-5pH 4-5
Length of small
3-6 times body
4-6 times body length10-12+ times body
10-11 times body
ColonSimple, short and
Simple, short and
Long, complex; may be
Long, sacculated
LiverCan detoxify vitamin
Can detoxify vitamin ACannot detoxify vitamin
Cannot detoxify vitamin
concentrated urine
concentrated urine
concentrated urine
concentrated urine
NailsSharp clawsSharp clawsFlattened nails or blunt
Flattened nails

Those indisputable facts irrefutably prove that if humans were made in Gods’ Image as 6 Billion Christians, Hindus and Muslims claim, He did so as vegetarians! God did not create Adamites with bodies to be bloodthirsty, flesh eating killers which is also shown in the 100% BENEVOLENT LAWS like THOU SHALT NOT KILL FYI; as reward for respecting this law, vegetarians haul 30lbs less fat, live 8 years longer, have cleaner consciences and are far more productive, vigorous and HAPPY!!!



Watch and re-watch the following vids to begin adjusting your lifestyle accordingly starting TODAY. . . (We’ve watched each of them a half dozen times and plan on doing so again once or so per year, they’re that good!) If you or someone you care about has heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity or any digestive issues, don’t miss this first one! If not skip it and watch the 2nd one.


Download What The Health?! (700 MB .mpeg video)


“The Game Changers” has become the best selling documentary of all time on youtube. It’s focus is more on the fitness and virility sides of things so the younger folk gravitate towards it. It explores the facts that the two strongest and toughest men in the world and many of the most successful athletes in practically every high energy sport were/are 100% vegan.

Download The Game Changers (590 MB .mpeg video)

This last “foodie” video actually laid the groundwork for the ones above along with many others, in our opinion it is still the best around.  We didn’t fully comprehend all the backwards thinking, negative impacts and utter hypocrisy of our dietary habits until watching these awesome and informative videos. Hope it’s all hitting you the same way it did us!

Download VEGAN 2017 (311 MB .mpeg video)


This simple change in what you eat and what follows is the only way to both extend your time in this life and get one step closer to securing eternal life. Now, that beats being a sick hypocrite who’s guaranteed to die prematurely then get sent to hell to burn for eternity does it not? Begin now and we guarantee that you’ll be both ashamed and amazed that you ever allowed yourself to be deceived into causing the suffering, torture and killing of some of the most innocent, docile and defenseless creatures on earth.

And by the way, it is soooo easy with all the modern recipes and ingredients we have today! Especially if you like fish which is legal. (Maybe just not too often due to some meat like components and high levels of mercury.) The hardest part is relearning how to shop for food and making sure you’re not deceived into buying crap that’s not deitarian. So, don’t listen to your jinn who will tell you the opposite and make you hunger for tortured, bloody, dead things. God will smile upon you for your efforts and help you in the other areas where you’ll need it!


Next; “All Creatures Great & Small!”


“Then YHWH our God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden To Tend and Keep It“.


 (If you can read while listening to music, you should play this song we selected for this post!  Just hit the play button!!!)



The other living creatures of this earth depend on your intelligence to protect them. So what has happened? Why are there horrible animal atrocities happening everywhere? Why are humans flailing with the seemingly simple task to “tend and keep” God’s creation? Lets see if we can unravel another important mystery.

The predecessor of the zoological garden is the “menagerie”, which has a long history from the ancient world to modern times. Among the most well-known satanic “collections” (torturous imprisonment) of animals was jewish King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia. Sadly this sadistic jewish tradition stuck and by the 4th century BCE, zoos existed in most of the Greek city states; Alexander the Great is known to have sent animals that he found on his military expeditions back to Greece. The Roman emperors kept private collections of animals for study or for use in the arena, the latter faring notoriously poorly among the Adamic public, “we the people” didn’t like it.

The 19th-century historian W.E.H. Lecky wrote of the Roman games, first held in 366 BCE. At one time, a bear and a bull, chained together, rolled in fierce combat across the sand … Four hundred bears were killed in a single day under Caligula … Under Nero, four hundred tigers fought with bulls and elephants. In a single day, at the dedication of the Colosseum by Titus, five thousand animals perished. Under Trajan … lions, tigers, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotami, giraffes, bulls, stags, even crocodiles and serpents were employed to give more satanic novelty to the horrific spectacle.

With few exceptions, children are born with abundant love and respect for animals. If educated appropriately from childhood on,we would all be living in an entirely different world and the reason we’re not is because our schools are ran predominantly by, endorsed and funded by jews. The rest of the education process is left up to society which of course is also dominated by jews via their stranglehold on ALL our media. Hence our changing attitudes from childhood on;


Excepting trials and errors of youth, Adamites have to be coerced, tempted and taught by the satanic jew to hate, kill, disrespect, torture and abuse living creatures which happens in stages. First, and most importantly, children are taught to disregard the way animals are meant to live, which is FREE in their natural environment.

Zoos, Circuses and Animal Water Parks are legalized animal prisons and torture systems disguised as wildlife preservation which are sold as entertainment by satanic jews to young highly influence-able minds that turn into old programmed minds. You and everyone have come to accept as right what you once knew was wrong. You still know it though, and here’s your chance to officially break the programming. Shed a tear or two, if you can find the humility for it;



The desensitization process has opened the door to allow a bevy of evil acts to follow. To name just a few; puppy/kitty mills, beauty products/medical product testing on animals, poaching, hording, neglect, animal fighting, dog races and using animals as live fishing bait. Please continue your deprogramming.



“You shall not kill” (Ex 20:13) The Hebrew of the sixth commandment is about as terse as it can be. It consists of two words that are the Hebrew equivalent of “No killing.” Hunting was a last resort, defining element of human survival. It’s what kept us on the map but when used for non life or death instances, it’s possible, likely and logical to consider “sport hunting” to be unjustified killing which of course is evil.


Note: We are NOT anti-hunting. We ARE anti-needless killing because it’s EVIL.




Do You Choose To “Tend & Keep” God’s Creation? Are You An Intelligent Steward?


“There’s a Special Place in Hell For People Who Mistreat Animals.”





“Factory Farms” in 2016 raised (tortured) 65 BILLION animals worldwide solely for the sake of around 5.5 billion flesh eating people! Those 65 Billion defenseless Chickens, Cows and Pigs live their lives trapped in tiny areas, while being fed unnatural grain-based diets of genetically modified corn and soy beans which is a far cry from their normal diet of seeds, green plants, vegetables, fruit, grass, insects and worms. Their food is full of antibiotics and hormones to maximize their growth in short periods of time for profits.




40,000+ chickens are trapped in each of these hellish warehouses for their entire lives, never even seeing the sun.

Chickens are trapped in each of these hellish warehouses for their entire lives, never even seeing the sun.

490 feet by 45 feet is a typical size of a poultry warehouse giving each full grown chicken 8.5 by 11 inches, the size of a sheet of paper.

490′ x 45′
Is a typical size of a poultry warehouse giving each full grown chicken 8.5 by 11 inches, the size of a sheet of paper.


These confined spaces create very high stress for the birds which in turn causes abnormal pecking to both themselves and others resulting in horribly painful injuries that go untreated and festering till death.




Male chicks are killed each year because they can’t lay eggs.


of egg laying hens spend their lives in battery cages.


Tiny 18″ wide cages hold 10 hens but each hen has a wing span of over 32″. Imagine being a bird who NEVER is allowed to open its wings which can literally rot off!



Young female chicks are “debeaked” to prevent them from stress pecking and cannibalism. Beaks have many nerves which results in very painful and traumatic experiences.




Birds which are very clean animals are forced to urinate and defecate on one another causing disease to run ramped. Many animals die and survivors are forced to live with their rotting dead cage mates to the end.





1957 poultry9

2 lbs

1978 poultry10

4 lbs




Poultry Prisons;

The world’s tens of billions of meat chickens AKA “broilers” grow at a freakishly fast pace. So fast in fact their legs fail to keep up and are unable to support themselves making it impossible to walk.




Modern broilers spend their short 7 week lives on top piles of their own waste encrusted bedding.




9 billion chickens live and die in these hideous manners every year just to feed 300 million Americans.

Chickens live and die in these hideous manners every year just to feed 300 million Americans.




55% of chickens found in US supermarkets contained arsenic a known carcinogen.

of chickens found in US supermarkets contained arsenic a known carcinogen.






Cows suffer and die in the US meat and dairy industry each year.


At just 6 – 12 months old
Cattle are moved to feedlots…


… to be fattened for slaughter.




Calves gain weight on an unnatural diet to reach market weight in as little as 6 months.


1,200 lbs. is “market weight”

1,200 lbs
is “market weight”


There’s been a 272% rise in the number of dairy cows in the US, from 2.5 million in 1997 up to 9.3 million in 2008.

Due to toxic drugs and artificial hormones, the average cow today produces 4X more milk than cows in 1950.

Factory farm operators impregnate via artificial insemination forcing their bodies to produce milk nonstop.

Cows may be dosed with Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) another unnatural production booster which is the lead cause of mastitis, an extremely painful inflammation of the animals’ udder.


2.5 MILLION Dairy cows are slaughtered per year after they can no longer supply milk

Dairy cows are slaughtered per year after they can no longer supply milk


24.6 MILLION pounds of antibiotics per year are administered to US livestock just to keep them alive long enough for slaughter.


16.5% of cows suffer from mastitis which is one of the lead causes of death in adult dairy cows.

of cows suffer from mastitis which is one of the lead causes of death in adult dairy cows.


Calves raised for beef are subject to mutilations such as;

















Branding requires irons heated up to 900 degrees held against their skin for several agonizing seconds.








Pain relief is not provided even though each procedure is known to cause excruciating pain and extreme fear in the minds of these very mild natured animals.







116 million pigs are slaughtered each year in US.

Pigs are slaughtered each year in US.

6 million of those are Mother Pigs “sows”.

of those are Mother Pigs “sows”.


Sows spend their entire lives in metal crates. At just 7′ long x 2′ wide they’re NEVER able to simply turn around or curl up for comfort.

Excruciating stress induced behaviors, such as chewing on steel bars is common.

Like all female factory farmed animals, sows are impregnated over and over again artificially, this cycle lasts up to 4 years.




The floors have slats so the manure can fall through. This design exposes the sows to high levels of ammonia and respiratory disease is a frequent occurrence.



Once their bodies give out they are sent to slaughter.





Piglets are torn from their distraught Mothers only 10 days after birth.








Like cows, piglets also undergo a series of horrible mutilations, such as;
















Farmers cut chunks of their ears just for “ID purposes”

Farmers cut chunks of their ears just for “ID purposes”




These torturous and barbaric acts are usually done with common house hold tools and always without pain killers.

Farms all over North America ship piglets AKA “feeder pigs” to Corn Belt states such as Illinois and Indiana for “growing” or “finishing”.

They travel in all weather extremes for thousands of miles.

Pigs freeze to death in winter and die of heat exhaustion in summer.



Each year in transportation alone.






By the time the survivors reach their destination nearly HALF A MILLION are crippled and nearly all are sick. After which, the pigs spend their entire lives in extremely crowded pens.


6 months to “market weight”, 275 lbs.

to “market weight”, 275 lbs.


Note: Pigs are highly intelligent creatures, smarter than dogs and 3 year old children!






Like most animals pigs have complex emotions and it’s well known they feel just as much pain as you do.




1,000 pigs are killed per hour.

Pigs are killed per hour.


Due to the high kill rate, deaths are painful and inhumane.




When they reach their scalding hot water baths most are usually still alive because of improper stunning methods.




Hot water baths soften the skin and remove hair to prepare them for butcher.








Note: We only touched on three types of animals here, there are many more other factory farmed animals that have similar if not more alarming facts.





Different types of gases are generated by factory farms.


Factory Farms account for 38% of methane (CH4) emissions.


500 million tons of manure is produced by animal feeding operations every year.

of manure is produced by animal feeding operations every year.

2 billion+ lbs. of nitrogen from manure produced by dairy cows go into the ground per year.

2 BILLION+ lbs
of nitrogen from manure produced by dairy cows go into the ground per year.

130 times more waste is produced by animals raised for food than the entire human population combined.

is produced by animals raised for food than the entire human population combined.

50% of water in US goes to animals raised for food.

50% of water
in US goes to animals raised for food.


67% of water near poultry farms and 31% of water near pig farms contained antibiotics.

35,000 miles of river in 22 states are polluted by waste from animal agriculture.




Tyson Foods Inc. ranks 2nd largest polluter of US waterways.


environment7 Tyson Foods Inc. ranks 2nd largest polluter of US waterways.

Parent Company Total 2010-2014 Pounds
Released to Water
AK Steel Holding Corp 107,246,494
***Tyson Foods Inc.104,468,732
US Dept. of Defense 63,335,653
Cargill Inc. 50,405,770
US Steel Corp 48,820,613
Koch Industries Inc. 34,247,944
Du Pont 32,678,184
McCain Foods USA Inc. 27,575,809
BASF Corp 27,131,378
Pilgrim’s Pride Corp 27,052,625
United Global Foods 26,211,884
Phillips 66 Co 23,741,948
International Paper Co 17,791,850
Exxon Mobil Corp 15,363,763
Like all meat corps, water pollution from Tyson comes from fertilizer used to grow feed for animals and the manure they produce. Much of the pollution is from Tyson’s processing facilities and it includes animal waste and waste products which are nitrate compounds, all stored in large open air lagoons or “cesspools” which are hidden from the public. In high concentrations, nitrates in drinking water can hinder a body’s ability to carry enough oxygen to cells, causing severe health problems for infants and people with bad immune systems. In the environment it can lead to massive algae blooms which take away oxygen in water causing “dead zones”.


Less than half of factory farms have permits to drain waste from their cesspools but 3/4’s contribute to pollution, unregulated.

And all are largely exempt from standard water and air pollution regulations.

These cesspools are several footballs fields in length and up to 20′ deep. All are prone to leaks most of which ends up in the public drinking water supply.




7 million gallons of liquefied manure, urine, blood, animal parts, antibiotics, poisonous chemicals, deadly bacteria, and hormones fill each cesspool built for 1,000 cows.

of liquefied manure, urine, blood, animal parts, antibiotics, poisonous chemicals, deadly bacteria, and hormones fill each cesspool built for 1,000 cows.


Fiesteria, a microscopic organism that feeds off of phosphorus and nitrogen found in manure is a lethal toxin that is harmful to both humans and fish.

In 1991, 1 BILLION fish were killed by fiesteria in Neuse River, North Carolina alone.






In 1999, when hurricane Floyd hit North Carolina at least 5 manure lagoons burst and approximately 47 were completely flooded.




In 2005, manure spilled from a ruptured tank on a 3,000 head dairy farm in upstate New York. The 3 million gallons of cow manure poured into the Black River, just this spill is estimated to have killed 250,000 fish.


$35 billion annual cost of environmental damage caused by industrial farming.

Annual cost of environmental damage caused by industrial farming.








Factory farm byproducts are of concern to human health;

– Heavy metals

– Pathogenic bacteria (E-coli, salmonella, Listeria viruses, protozoa, and worms)

– Volatile gases


Respiratory problems among factory farm workers;

– Chronic bronchitis

– Occupational asthma

– Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome




170 odors from different chemicals come from factory farms.

170 odors
From different chemicals come from factory farms.


These odors cause;

– Respiratory disease

– Diarrhea

– Depression

– Violent behavior

– Nausea

– Vomiting

– Headache

– Insomnia

– Coughing

– Appetite loss

– Irritation to the eyes, nose and throat


1 in 5 pig farmers has and spreads the methicillin – resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection, which now kills more Americans than AIDS each year.







Under current US agriculture policy, the government provides substantial subsidies to farmers who produce grains, particularly corn and soybeans. The cheap, protein rich, genetically modified corn and soybean base gets animals to market weight faster.



6 lbs of Feed
For every 1 lb. of weight gain.


In order to meet the high demand for grain, large corn and soy monocultures have replaced many smaller farms, which rely on the heavy use of pesticides AKA “Roundup”.




These pesticides and GMO “Roundup Ready” crops are all made by Monsanto.

Along with creating rBGH, Monsanto is responsible for poisoning millions of acres of farm land, which in turn produce cancer causing crops that make billions of animals and people sick.






Naturally cows aren’t built to digest grains. Their multi-chambered digestive tracks are best suited to digest the cellulose in grass. Cows raised on grain develop severe health problems including liver abscesses, bloat and sudden death syndrome.



What’s in Animal Feed?



Fed to animals who were made to eat grass.


Fed to animals as fake “roughage” because their unnatural factory diets lack natural fiber.


Feathers, skin, blood and intestines from slaughtered animals along w/ euthanized cats, dogs, and road kills.

Turning animals into cannibals!

Turning animals into cannibals!


Toxic GMOs 50% of Soy and 60% of Corn
Produced in the US are used in animal feed.

260 million acres of US Forests have been cleared for cropland to produce feed for animals raised for food.

Acres of US Forests have been cleared for cropland to produce feed for animals raised for food.


Above is an aerial of Kansas’s cropland.

If we actually ate the food we feed to farmed animals we wouldn’t need to grow anywhere near as much. We could stop destroying the environment and permanently eliminate world hunger.


14,400 acres of rain forest is needlessly destroyed EVERYDAY just to clear land to be used for growing food for factory farms.

14,400 Acres
of rain forest is needlessly destroyed EVERYDAY just to clear land to be used for growing food for factory farms.








2,500 Gallons
of water, that’s like not showering for 6 months.


55 square feet
of rain forest, that equals 55 square feet for every 1 lb. of beef.


180 lbs. of CO2
16 lbs. of grain and it take 25 gallons of water to produce 1 lb. of wheat.



If every American skipped 1 meal of chicken per week and instead ate a meat free option, it would be like taking 500,000 cars off the road.




Imagine if everyone ate plant based food 100% of the time.



1/3 of Fossil Fuels
and of all raw materials used in the US a full one third are devoted to raising animals for food.




Begin opening your mind to feel a deeper sense of belonging to this beautiful planet. Experience those rare, heartwarming and healing waves of human compassion by adopting a meat free life style. Do it for your health, the environment and of course our friends, the animals.



Put an end to factory farms and this vile treatment of our animal friends by simply being the good and decent being God Created YOU to be.  Or not and remain cursed then get sent to Hell for Eternity when you can’t offer up any excuse!



And lastly, have you figured out WHO deceived YOU about all of this and wants you to be sent to Hell?



NOTE: The comment section below is solely for responses to our thousand dollar challenge you’ve been given above . . . No others will be approved.




2 Thoughts on “The Thousand Dollar Challenge!”

Jeff said;

   Time to pay up! You forgot about the animals that God tells us are ok to eat in 3 very reliable books of the old testament, Exodus 20:24, Leviticus 11:1-23 and Deuteronomy 14:3-21. You’ve got my email address, I take paypal and venmo.

David said;

   So sorry Jeffrey, we’re obviously not as stupendously stupid as anyone would have to be to say or believe what you’ve just said.  (Which would be 100% impossible for anyone with a peanut sized or bigger brain after taking in the Truths on this page!) And thankfully we’re also not stupid enough to be inclined to let your talmudic shilling go for naught! So, even though we’ve already fully covered that and the likes of YOU above and elsewhere, here’s an informative reply for everyone;

While it is True that God was saying which animals were “ok to eat”, the buck stops there, but you already know that. You know that God was clearly telling us what living things we “could” eat if we had to, but not that we “should” eat them. And most certainly not that He changed His Mind (for the first and only time in all of history) nor that we are free to kill those animals, excepting if we were facing starvation otherwise.

QFC 2:173 “He Has Only Made Unlawful to you murdered animals and blood and the flesh of swine and that dedicated to other than God. But whoever is forced due to necessity, neither desiring nor transgressing, no crime is against them. God Is Forgiving, Merciful.” (FYI; No swine because their bodies share many similarities with our own and carry trichinosis which would be worse than starvation.)

Also note the “murdered animals” in that verse does not include animals that had to be put down due to sickness, injuries or aging. And by the way, that’s what Exodus 20:24, which you foolishly attempted to cite, is about. As usual God made sure we’d understand it by giving us exactly the same instructions along with some clarifications in His Final Testament here;

QFC 22:28And remember The Name Of God over the livestock you slaughter in mercy when He Delivers them to you after a life of service to you. And eat thereof, feed therewith, the unfortunate and the poor.”

Yea, so it’s not that we can’t eat “clean animals” if they’ve been slaughtered for reasons of mercy in YHWHs’ Name.

And again we can keep things black and white, clear and simple by recalling the widely accepted and agreed upon, non-contradictory Trait of God. If you or anyone else want’s to argue that a handful of entirely ambiguous translations outweigh the HUNDRED PLUS, VERY CLEAR AND ENTIRELY NON-AMBIGUOUS ONES ABOVE, feel free to make an ass out of yourself by doing so!

Also, use your full name instead of hiding behind your unidentifiable email address like the anonymous chicken shit coward that you are. Go ahead, come on back and let’s hear it shill!

For everyone reading this commentary, prepare to have losers like Jeff there do the same crap with you. If you know someone that has been here and yet are refuting or downplaying ANYTHING here or on any of our other sites, those are your mortal enemies who are hiding their real identities from you. Below are a few pics of activities common among them;





This page is full of examples of REAL MURDERS each of which has been popularized by the same group of inhuman scum around the world. They love to kill innocent animals and people alike, billions of the former and trillions of the latter to this very day.



That’s quite real by the way. Go to any wal-mart, library or courthouse to see posters of all the “missing persons” in your locality, most of them met that or other grizzly fates. And the only reason you’re seeing those posters is so their murderers can gloat while rubbing it in your face! Click HERE to download this famously banned book about “satanic ritual murder’;



Remember, God is watching each and every one of us and He Has Repeatedly Promised to punish those fools very harshly, for Eternity. Alternately, He Has also promised to give the greatest of rewards to those of us who are worthy. .i.e. “The one who having eaten flesh then abstains from it afterwards acquires great merit on account of such abstention from sin.” Mahabharata 115.45  If that doesn’t say volumes about Gods’ Forgiveness, I don’t know what could! (Note that we have to follow ALL the laws though, that verse only speaks of lessor punishment in one of the upper 7 levels of Hell.)

Yea, this is all about JUSTICE.

Need a reminder of what that is?

OK, here ya go!



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